pop culture / Teaching Ideas

3 Powerful Songs for Women’s History Month

3 Powerful Songs for Women's History Month with headphones and a microphone

Want empowering songs for Women’s History Month to incorporate into your secondary ELA curriculum? We’ve got you covered, teacher pals.

3 Powerful Songs for Women's History Month with a record in the background

March is Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate and reflect on the contributions of women throughout history. Although we have a beautiful poster set and a literary activity bundle for Women’s History Month, we are talking MUSIC today.

As educators, we have a unique opportunity to integrate this celebration into our classrooms. Music is a powerful tool for engagement and learning, so here are 3 exceptional songs that not only resonate with the themes of Women’s History Month but also offer rich content for literary analysis and classroom discussion. 

These songs, each by influential female artists, provide a diverse range of perspectives and themes that can enrich your curriculum and inspire your students. Let’s dive into these musical treasures!

P.S. if you enjoy analyzing short texts with your students, check out one of our latest resources: 15 Pop Culture Analysis Activities.

Songs for Women’s History Month

“Pretty Isn’t Pretty” by Olivia Rodrigo

Rodrigo does it again with a song rich with figurative language for students to analyze!

This is a pretty dynamic song for Women’s History Month as Rodrigo details the realities many women navigate due to societal expectations. 

Although the song may seem bleak because Rodrigo says it will never change, I would pose the following text-to-world connection question: what must happen in order to change?

“Redesigning Women” by The Highwomen

Unlike Rodrigo’s poignant song, this song for Women’s History Month is more upbeat. Although, it still has so much for students to explicate!

This song really focuses on the duality and complexities of women, despite the often one-dimensional narrative that has been portrayed in media, marketing, and more for too long.

“I Am Not My Hair” by India.Arie

Okay, THIS song is incredible for any time of year, but especially for Women’s History Month or Black History Month.

If you decide to analyze this song, please be sure to have the necessary conversations surrounding Black hair beforehand. I recommend using speeches or documents regarding The Crown Act. 

This prior knowledge will help students tremendously as they analyze India.Arie’s empowering song.

Women's History Month Resources: Final Thoughts

Incorporating music into your ELA curriculum during Women’s History Month isn’t just about celebrating female artists; it’s an opportunity to engage students in deeper, more meaningful discussions about gender, history, and the power of storytelling. 

These three songs are just a starting point. Encourage your students to explore further, to discover and share music that resonates with them, and to consider the impact of women’s voices in all forms of literature and art. 

Happy teaching, and here’s to inspiring the next generation with the stories and songs of remarkable women!