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Book Review: Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From by Jennifer De Leon

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When Liliana Cruz gets an opportunity to go to a school in the Boston suburbs, her immigrant mother is thrilled. She knows it’ll give her first-generation American daughter privileges she isn’t getting at her current school. But Liliana faces pressure as one of a few Latinx kids at her school, and when secrets start to emerge, she’ll have to decide what she stands for and lift up her voice.


Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From by Jennifer De Leon

Fifteen-year-old Liliana is fine, thank you very much. It’s fine that her best friend, Jade, is all caught up in her new boyfriend lately. It’s fine that her inner-city high school is disorganized and underfunded. It’s fine that her father took off again—okay, maybe that isn’t fine, but what is Liliana supposed to do? She’s fifteen! Being left with her increasingly crazy mom? Fine. Her heathen little brothers? Fine, fine, fine. But it turns out Dad did leave one thing behind besides her crazy family. Before he left, he signed Liliana up for a school desegregation program called METCO. And she’s been accepted.


Being accepted into METCO, however, isn’t the same as being accepted at her new school. In her old school, Liliana—half-Guatemalan and half-Salvadorian—was part of the majority where almost everyone was a person of color. But now at Westburg, where almost everyone is white, the struggles of being a minority are unavoidable. It becomes clear that the only way to survive is to lighten up—whiten up. And if Dad signed her up for this program, he wouldn’t have just wanted Liliana to survive, he would have wanted her to thrive. So what if Liliana is now going by Lili? So what if she’s acting like she thinks she’s better than her old friends? It’s not a big deal. It’s fine.


But then she discovers the gutting truth about her father: He’s not on one of his side trips. And it isn’t that he doesn’t want to come home…he can’t. He’s undocumented and he’s been deported back to Guatemala. Soon, nothing is fine, and Lili has to make a choice: She’s done trying to make her white classmates and teachers feel more comfortable. Done changing who she is, denying her culture and where she came from. They want to know where she’s from, what she’s about? Liliana is ready to tell them. (Description from GoodReads)

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My Thoughts: 

Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From is an interesting read. I had heard about the METCO program before, but didn’t know the ins and outs. It is a lottery that buses a certain number of students from urban Boston schools out to suburban schools. In this book, the METCO students still self-segregate (note: check out Beverly Daniel Tatum’s book Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? for more on this) and Liliana really struggles to know how to fit in. 

I also enjoyed the portrayal of Liliana’s home life and hobbies. She has two twin brothers who really grow throughout the novel and surprise Liliana. This made me think of Lara Jean’s sister Kitty in To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before – we got to know Kitty as a three-dimensional character instead of the set decoration that siblings can sometimes be in YA. Liliana also enjoys making miniatures, which is such a cool and unique hobby!

Students will definitely enjoy the down-to-earth language and dialogue in this book. A big thank you to Simon & Schuster for letting me read an ARC of this novel! 

Buy your copy today! 


More novels exploring the immigrant experience:


Inside Out and Back Again by Thanha Lai

A novel in-verse, Inside Out and Back Again follows ten-year-old Hà as she and her family flee Saigon and arrive in America as refugees. This book is heartfelt and poignant, with astute observations about the world around us. Use this in grades 4-8 to build empathy for immigrants and refugees. Short chapters make this perfect for a read-aloud. (Elementary/MS)


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For even more YA books about the immigrant experience, check out this list from the New York Public Library. Check out this blog post for more resources on teaching about immigration. 


Have you already read and loved Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From? Do you have a great idea for using it in the classroom? Let me know your thoughts in the comments or reach out on IG @nouvelle_ela

Happy teaching!


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