How do you make reading and making inferences more interactive and engaging? With a cross between an escape room and an adventure book!
Terminus is a four-part digital adventure series geared towards 8th and 9th-grade students who read below level and struggle with making inferences.
Each game has puzzles & riddles to engage students in ✨collaboration & critical thinking ✨
If you are deciding whether Terminus or Burnbridge is the right fit for your classroom, learn more about how uniquely each digital escape room meets the needs of your students.
If you are new to understanding the key benefits of implementing digital escape rooms in your classes, have no fear because your questions have been answered here!
What teachers like you are saying about this making inferences digital escape room:

Each Resource Includes:
1. A link and password to a web-based interactive adventure game
⭐ A “Quick Reference” page to print for game day
3. Close Reading Activities
⭐ Chapter 1: “Dr. Thomas’ Resignation Letter” (RI.8.5)
⭐ Chapter 2: Opposing Viewpoints (RI.8.6)
⭐ Chapter 4: Analyzing the Model Text (RI.8.5)
4. Thematic extension activities – written at a 9th-grade level
⭐ Ch. 1: “What is the CDC?” Fact Sheet & Interview Activity
⭐ Ch. 2: “How Long Does Your Data Last?” – Magazine Article & Persuasive Speaking
⭐ Ch. 3: “How Pandemics are Portrayed in Literature” – Magazine Article & Vocabulary in context
⭐ Ch. 4: “Portrait of a Researcher: Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett” – (RI.8.3)
⭐ Related sources
⭐ Game reflection
✨✨ Check out the resource preview for Common Core alignment ✨✨
Your resource is a .zip file. Each game includes a .PDF Teacher’s Guide and a .PPT with the editable extension activities. Within the Teacher’s Guide, you’ll find a link to the game website and a password.
You’ll also get Google Drive links for the extension activities. This will allow you and your students to open the game.
This game is best played on computers and iPads – it has not been optimized for phones. As with any escape game, we recommend that you play through it yourself before presenting it to students.
Please let me know if you have any questions! You can always email me at 🙂
***A note about COVID-19 and TERMINUS: We started working on this game last July and had no idea that its publication would coincide with a global pandemic. We guarantee Rania gets a happy ending AND that players will learn about the difference between pandemic fiction and the real science behind contagion, containment, and cure.***
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If you have any questions, I’d love to hear from you!
-Danielle @Nouvelle_ELA
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