Ready for a Persuasive Techniques PowerPoint that isn’t boring? This PowerPoint has pause points with rich examples and activities students do on the spot.
It’s a great introduction to media literacy that will help students recognize, analyze, and utilize persuasive techniques.
✅ Interactive
✅ Differentiated
✅ Memorable
Persuasive Techniques covered:
✨ Bandwagon
✨ Card-Stacking
✨ Connotation
✨ Testimonial
✨ Exaggeration
✨ Euphemism
✨ Fear
✨ Glittering Generalities
✨ Plain Folks Appeal
✨ Repetition
✨ Beautiful People
✨ Urgency
✨ Name-Calling
✨ Scientific Approach
✨ Snob Appeal
✨ Something for Nothing
✨ Transfer
What teachers like you are saying about the persuasive techniques PowerPoint:
Your persuasive techniques PowerPoint include:
43-slide media literacy and persuasive techniques PowerPoint:
⭐ 13 background slides (Aristole, ethos, logos, pathos, etc.)
⭐ 12 activity slides (think-pair-share, identification, multiple-choice)
⭐ 18 definitions & examples slides
⭐ Blank version
⭐ Guided (fill-in-the-blank)
⭐ Answer key
⭐ Editable .doc version
This product is also part of this money-saving Persuasive Techniques PowerPoint and Project Bundle! These resources are great for teaching persuasive techniques, propaganda, and media literacy in middle school and early high school. This prepares students to be critical thinkers in their 21st century media ecosystem.
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-Danielle @Nouvelle_ELA
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