
Escape Room Bundle – Great Gatsby, Harlem Renaissance, Poetry, Back to School

Format: Zip

Pages: 180+


Original price was: $59.94.Current price is: $49.99.


Are you ready to breathe new life into your units? This escape room bundle boost collaboration and critical thinking!Each game has unique puzzles and “twists,” so your students will be hooked for anticipation and review activities.

This escape room bundle is a great way to introduce and review ELA units! You get engaging activities for Back to School/new semester, The Great Gatsby, the Harlem Renaissance, and Poetry.

You also get templates to create your own games. Each game includes a complete Teacher’s Guide (set-up, printing checklist, differentiation), extension ideas and materials, and an Answer Key.

1. Back to School Escape Room (vol 2) (editable in .ppt)
⭐️ Reading list activity
⭐️ Close reading quiz
⭐️ Syllabus reconstruction
⭐️ Secret quotes
⭐️ Optional writing activity (growth mindset)
⭐️ Editable
⭐️ 30-40 minutes
⭐️  Use in ELA or social studies
⭐️  Quality of life reading passage & vocabulary
⭐️ Icons & influencers biography cards
⭐️ Prohibition-era songs close reading activity
⭐️ Secret quote
⭐️ 75+ minutes
⭐️ Use in ELA or social studies
⭐️ Great Migration journal entry sort
⭐️ Famous figures biography cards
⭐️ Prohibition close reading activity
⭐️ Secret poem
⭐️ Optional writing activity
⭐️ 40-50 minutes
⭐️ Figurative language sort
⭐️ Poetic devices puzzle
⭐️ Close reading activity
⭐️ Secret poem
⭐️ Editable
⭐️ 40-50 minutes
⭐️ Full introduction to escape rooms
⭐️ Puzzle ideas & resources
⭐️ Templates for tasks & clue cards
⭐️ Examples for a variety of content areas
⭐️ Editable in PPT

⭐️ Digital adventure game
⭐️ Reading intervention for 8th & 9th grade
⭐️ Collaboration & critical thinking
⭐️ Practice making inferences
⭐️ Includes a nonfiction activity
>>>This game isn’t at the same reading level as the others in this bundle AT ALL, but it may suit some of your students very well, and I wanted to give you a chance to try it. This has been deducted from the overall price of the bundle. 🙂

What teachers like you are saying about escape room bundle resources:

Molly S.
Molly S.
"My students loved this experience. It was challenging for them which I liked. They really had to rely on their groups for assistance. It was so fun to watch the active problem solving."
Liz B.
Liz B.
"I used this last year with my students. If you are thinking about buying this resource - stop thinking and BUY IT! My students were so engaged in their learning that they begged for more escape rooms. This seller knows how to make escape rooms, and she knows how to make them engaging and rigorous. Thank you so much!"
Kelly D.
Kelly D.
"This activity has given my teaching new life, and the students had fun while learning at the same time. I highly recommend any of Nouvelle ELA's materials."
Molly S.
Molly S.
"My students loved this experience. It was challenging for them which I liked. They really had to rely on their groups for assistance. It was so fun to watch the active problem solving."
Liz B.
Liz B.
"I used this last year with my students. If you are thinking about buying this resource - stop thinking and BUY IT! My students were so engaged in their learning that they begged for more escape rooms. This seller knows how to make escape rooms, and she knows how to make them engaging and rigorous. Thank you so much!"

Your download is a .zip file. The Back to School Escape Room, Poetry Escape Room, and Resource Box are editable in PowerPoint. Otherwise, the other resources are .pdf files that are print-and-go. Due to the nature of these resources, they are not editable.

Instructions for use and copyright information are included in this resource. Feel free to email me at if you have any questions. 🙂

Since your students looove puzzles, check out my Team Trivia Bellringers!

Want to get answers or share success stories? Join us on Facebook to discuss Escape Rooms in ELA! If you’re ready to make your own fabulous escape rooms, check out this Escape Room Template Kit. Happy creating!