These Reading Response Questions ask your students to think critically and creatively about their independent reading, literature circles, or class novels.
You can use these reading response cards as…
⭐ Writing prompts
⭐ Discussion topics for pairs or small groups
⭐ A focused activity for quiet reflection
Each reading response card asks students to imagine or create something new based on the plot, characters, conflicts, themes, and setting of a novel. Includes blank reading response cards for you to add your own.
Use these reading response task cards with:
✅ Independent Reading
✅ Class Novel
✅ Literature Circles
Find more ideas for using these Creative Reading Response Task Cards!
What teachers like you are saying about these independent reading activities:

Your reading response task cards resource includes:
⭐ 40 reading response question cards for any book based on plot, character, conflict, theme, and setting
⭐ Blank reading response cards editable in PowerPoint
⭐ A Teacher’s Guide
Your download is a .zip file containing ready-to-use files (.pdf) and editable versions (.ppt). You do not need to download any extra fonts to edit these reading response cards.
Instructions for use and copyright information are included in this resource. Feel free to email me at if you have any questions. 🙂
While you’re here, check out my Collaborative Bellringers and Escape Rooms!
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If you have any questions, I’d love to hear from you!
-Danielle @Nouvelle_ELA
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