
Sampler Poetry Bell Ringers – A Week of Warm-Ups & Activities



Are you looking for poetry activities that engage and inspire? These sampler poetry bell ringers will totally hook your students during your poetry unit! Each card has a different snippet from a classic poem, so you’ll keep things fresh and fun.

These are a week of sampler poetry bell ringers from this Poetry Bell Ringer set.

Students will:
✅ Identify elements of poetry and figurative language
✅ Analyze the poet’s purpose
✅ Create poems in different styles

Each of these poetry activities takes 5-7 minutes, so they’re perfect for poetry warm-ups, exit tickets, or a test review.


Get the complete set here! You can also check out my other resources for teaching poetry.

What teachers like you are saying about these sampler poetry bell ringers:

H. Haven
H. Haven
“Awesome way to get kids thinking about elements of poetry before a lesson. These were enough to fill an entire week and were great bellringers that got my students busy and set up a great discussion.”
Stormy C.
Stormy C.
“These are wonderful! It helps my students understand poetry without being so overwhelmed. Thank you!”
Jennifer O.
Jennifer O.
“Great review for state testing!”