Need an engaging Romeo and Juliet review? This digital escape room is an awesome way to wrap up your Romeo and Juliet unit.
Students work alone or in teams to solve puzzles based on the play and decode a Secret Message.
Romeo and Juliet activities:
✅ Plot review
✅ Character Map
✅ Quote identification
✅ Close Reading
What teachers like you are saying about the Romeo and Juliet escape room:

Your Romeo and Juliet escape room includes:
⭐ 4 core tasks with instructions & clues: plot points (2 versions for differentiation), character identification, quote identification, and close reading passage
⭐ A Secret Quote that you can extend into analytical writing after the game
⭐ Writing extensions (either analytical or personal responses)
Your download is a .zip file. The Teacher’s Guide is a .pdf, including a link and password to the game. This game is on WordPress and intended for computers or iPads. It has not been optimized for mobile devices.
You also get an editable version of the extension activities in PPT. Feel free to email me at if you have any questions. 🙂
While you’re here, check out my Collaborative Bellringers and Escape Rooms!
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If you have any questions, I’d love to hear from you!
-Danielle @Nouvelle_ELA
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