Looking for a full novel study for The Pearl by John Steinbeck? The Pearl Unit Bundle guides and challenges students to analyze plot, characterization, conflict, and symbolism in the classic novella.
Throughout their reading of The Pearl, students will complete nonfiction background activities, projects and vocabulary activities, full lessons, a study guide, and a final test.
The Pearl Unit Bundle may be used with or without Interactive Notebooks. Answer keys and rubrics included. (grades 7-10)
This unit is:
✅ Interactive
✅ Creative
✅ Analytical
What teachers like you are saying about The Pearl unit bundle:

The Pearl unit bundle includes:
⭐ Editable unit calendar
⭐ Nonfiction background activities – John Steinbeck biography and Cortez Pearls Webquest in the style of doodle notes
⭐ Reading guide – Student-created guide to major elements in each chapter, based on a choice board
⭐ Journal prompts – three bellringers per chapter, based on quotations from the text
⭐ Vocabulary resources – lists, foldables, and quizzes for key vocabulary words in each chapter
⭐ Symbolism flipbook – Hands-on activity for analyzing symbolism in any text
⭐ Symbolism song project – Creative task to demonstrate understanding of symbolism
⭐ Character analysis lesson & essay – full lesson on the hows and whys of characterization, culminating in a text-based analysis
⭐ Study guide – Review of key story elements and practice citing textual evidence
⭐ Unit test – Final exam including comprehension questions, vocabulary, and analysis of literary elements and important quotations (with editable doc)
The Pearl Unit Bundle contains some editable components, described above, but is not fully editable. Thank you for understanding!
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-Danielle @Nouvelle_ELA
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