Looking for a high-interest 8th grade nonfiction reading bundle? Your students will love reading these nonfiction articles because it appeals to their interests!
It can be very challenging to find 8th grade nonfiction reading comprehension passages with age-appropriate content at the right skill level for students. This bundle includes 10 articles that aim to support their nonfiction reading comprehension skills by engaging their interests!
Your 8th Grade Nonfiction Reading Bundle topics include:
✨ “For and Against Zoos” – 2 articles arguing about the impact of zoos
✨ “The Miracle on Ice” – the U.S. ice hockey win in the 1980’s Winter Olympics
✨ “Auroras, Myths, & Legends” – the myths surrounding the Aurora Borealis
✨ “The Pit” – 3 letters to the editors voicing what should be done about a city issue
✨ “John Brown’s Cabin” – 3 versions of the sign for a museum exhibit’s wax replica
✨ “Decoding Dreams” – decoding cultural interpretations of various dreams
✨ “The Inventor of the Stoplight” – details the life of inventor Garrett Morgan
✨ “Celebrating Kwanzaa” – shares the origination and traditions of Kwanzaa
✨ “The Science of Superheroes” – explains the science behind certain superpowers
✨ “Espionage and Spycraft” – explores the history of spies and espionage
What teachers like you are saying about a similar resource (HIGH SCHOOL nonfiction bundle):
Your 8th grade nonfiction reading bundle includes:
⭐ 10 nonfiction readings on a range of topics (approx. 750-1000 words each), written for 8th graders (one version with photos and one without for printing preference)
⭐ 10 multiple-choice quizzes: 10 standards-aligned questions each, including vocabulary practice; digital and print versions of the quiz
⭐ Short-answer questions: 2-3 analysis-based questions per article
⭐ Graphic organizers to scaffold evidence collection
⭐ Extension ideas to continue the learning
Your resource contains PDFs of all materials so that you can print-and-go. Only the digital version of the multiple-choice quizzes are editable.
Please email me if you have any questions! 🙂
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-Danielle @Nouvelle_ELA