
Procedural Article – Emergency Plans – Distance Learning

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Pages: 6




Students write a (“how to”) procedural article. This informational writing activity has been heavily scaffolded so that students can complete it on their own or in partners!

Skills reviewed with this procedural article activity:
Produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to the task (W.7.4)
Organize information, ideas, and concepts (W.7.2.A)
Develop writing with concrete examples (W.7.2.B)
Use domain-specific vocabulary (W.7.2.D)
This is a great “free choice” activity to practice informational writing. It is appropriate for middle schoolers, in and out of a traditional classroom setting.
Here are some ideas for using this procedural article activity:
*Beach Bag (rising 7-8)*
Many teachers combat summer slide, or the skills students lose over a summer of not reading or writing. A beach bag is a take-home activity designed to reconnect students to their analysis skills from the school year.
*Blizzard Bag (6-7)*
Many districts are designating eLearning days as a way to keep students connected to the classroom in heavy winter weather. A blizzard bag is an independent activity that uses classroom skills. This activity is graded like a normal assignment.
*Enrichment (6-8)*
Some students need extra practice using some of these basic analysis skills. Use this activity in enrichment sessions.

What teachers like you are saying about the procedural article activities:

Joyce S.
Joyce S.
"I plan to use this as enrichment for my early finishers and it's may also serve as motivation for those who tend to proceed slowly with their work due to socializing. I know many of my students will want the opportunity to do this project, especially the video bonus! Thank you for sharing your creative ideas!"
Susan K.
Susan K.
"Fantastic activity. Kids loved it."
Shelia M.C.
Shelia M.C.
"Love this resource...very engaging."


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