Looking for a back to school activity to increase engagement and build classroom community? This peer interview project has students interview a peer and present them to the class!
This is the perfect back to school activity to jumpstart speaking and listening skills.
What teachers like you are saying about this peer interview activity:
Your peer interview activity includes:
⭐ Project prep sheet
⭐ Self-evaluation rubric
⭐ Peer evaluation rubric
⭐ Teacher’s rubric
⭐ Full digital version
This is a public speaking project at its core. If you don’t have time for every student to do a 2-3 minute presentation, I suggest using small group presentations.
Instead of having every student present their peer to the whole class, have them present simultaneously in smaller groups.
6 students x 3 minutes per presentation = 18 minutes
With this approach, you can even switch up groups and have students present a second time to a new group! This is a great way to see public speaking practice start to pay off.
In this scenario, you won’t be able to see every presentation. You can “float” and try to catch a bit of everyone’s.
This smaller audience approach can be useful in helping students build their confidence, and you can slowly scale up group size over the first quarter or so.
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If you have any questions, I’d love to hear from you!
-Danielle @Nouvelle_ELA
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