
TERMINUS Chapter 2-4 – Captivating Digital Escape Room Series – Making Inferences

Total pages: 40 + game

File size: 9MB




Terminus is an interactive four-part digital escape room adventure series geared towards 8th and 9th-grade students who read below level. 

This story is a post-pandemic, found-text adventure that helps students with making inferences.

Each game has puzzles and riddles that engage students in ✨collaboration and critical thinking ✨


Students practice…
⭐ Making inferences
⭐  Sequencing
⭐  Prioritizing information

You also get thematically related…
⭐  Nonfiction readings
⭐  Creative writing
⭐  Vocabulary
⭐  Research activities
All of which are at the target grade level.

You can use this in…
⭐ Science
⭐ Reading Intervention


Chapter 2-4: Terminus Digital Escape Room – Making Inferences resource includes:

A link and password to a web-based interactive adventure game

A full teacher’s guide that includes…
⭐ An introduction to the digital interface
⭐ A step-by-step guide to solving the puzzles
⭐ A “found text” inferencing guide
⭐ A complete answer key
⭐ A “quick reference” page to print for game day

Thematic extension activities – written at a 9th grade level
⭐ Ch. 2 “How long does your data last?” – magazine article & persuasive speaking
⭐ Ch. 3 “How pandemics are portrayed in literature” – magazine article & vocab in context
⭐ Ch. 4 “Portrait of a researcher: Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett” – (R.I.8.3)
⭐ Related sources

Optional (and editable!) written extension activities
⭐ Analysis prompt & rubric
⭐ Creative writing prompt & rubric
⭐ Game reflection