Help your students confidently analyze character in any novel. This resource uses video clips, fairy tales, and a PowerPoint to introduce students to the concept of character analysis, and then moves to the target text.
Students finish with an analytical essay about a character from your text. This resource includes an editable essay prompt and rubric. (grades 6-10)
✅ Engaging introduction to analyzing character
✅ Editable PPT & essay prompt
✅ Scaffolded to help all learners
Why is character analysis important? Examining character is one way to reveal an author’s purpose.
What teachers like you are saying about this character analysis resource:

Your character analysis resource includes:
⭐ Character Analysis Lesson
⭐ Introduction to Analyzing Character PPT (editable)
⭐ Brainstorming Chart for Interactive Notebooks
⭐ Character Analysis Essay Prompt for any novel (.doc – editable)
⭐ Choice of analytic or holistic rubrics (.doc – editable)
⭐ Set-up and advice for Interactive Notebook spreads
Your resource is a .zip file featuring editable .doc and PPTs.
Please email me if you have any questions! 🙂
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-Danielle @Nouvelle_ELA